Hey There!

I’m Wendy Lee, writer extraordinaire (or so I like to believe). You see, writing isn’t just what I do—it’s what I am. I’ve tried other things, of course, but they all felt like trying to dance with two left feet. So, I write!

Now, I’ll admit, this café life of mine might not be the fastest path to worldly success. While everyone else is rushing ahead, climbing ladders and chasing shiny titles, I’m tucked away with my pen and paper, lost in stories. I just can’t help it! That’s quite alright by me! I dream of sharing my stories, wielding the power of storytelling to make a difference in the lives of others the way it’s made a difference in mine!

Now, while some writers like to float off into faraway lands of knights and dragons, or zoom off into the future, I like to write about the here and now. What’s happening today, in this very moment. That’s where the magic is, don’t you think?

So far, I’ve conjured up two novels, a novella, a smattering of short stories, some poetry and a whole lot of nonfiction—because let’s face it, the real world is sometimes the strangest, most interesting of all. Oh, and movie reviews, too! The cinema, second to the library, and I guess the café, is my favorite place in the world. Check out my work!


Spilling ink and drinking tea, thanks for reading…

Wendy Lee